Make the most of your paydays.

Increase your personal and financial autonomy so you can maximize your life and lessen your stress. Managing the money you've got coming in right now is an amazing first step at giving yourself options for doing something else.

Use the 5 steps on this printable each payday to make the most of your income and start making financial traction toward your freedom goals.

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Does this sound like you?

You positively light up at the thought of doing your own thing or at least having it be an option. You're daydreaming on Zoom calls or already side-hustling.

You long for more creativity and less hustle—you want off the hamster wheel and want more to your life.

But money—uncertainty about it or never quite having enough of it—seems to stand in your way. The best news is that you've got more money right now than you think.

And that making the most of what you already have is the critical first step to gaining the cash and the confidence you need to make your big move. And even if you decide to stay exactly where you are, at least you'll know you have options.

It's amazing how quickly you can start getting ahead with money.

If I could finally figure out how to make more of my corporate paycheck to get out of debt, build savings, and create options to leave, anyone can. I've been out of corporate for a while now, with loads of adventures and living to show for it. My adventures were made possible by first getting intentional about my paydays. This guide shows you how to do the same.
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* By downloading the PDF, you'll be added to emails from Emily Burnett/More to Your Life. No spam, ever. Unsubscribe anytime.